Demo Started Yesterday on our Master Bedroom!
So you know when someone makes a joke about something recently emotional that happened, and you say, “too soon!” I’m living that cruel joke right now! I woke up this morning in full on Master Bedroom Demo mode, with our second floor in total chaos and freezing because there’s a massive garage door sized hole in the bedroom! Laying on a mattress on the floor in my daughter’s bedroom, covered in dust, as the dust has just made its way everywhere already, I said to myself, “too soon!” What the heck was I thinking lol! We only got off a Mattress on the floor after a year of being at my parents renovating the main floor of this place in December! My husband is going to kill me. KILL ME!
I need to hurry the hell up and make this reno as painless as possible somehow! (not possible!)
Before Video Tour of the Space
If you’re new to my One Room Challenge get caught up with a live before tour by clicking, here!
Last Minute Layout Change!
How it should go is, you order the windows in advance, take out the old and put in the new in the same damn day….well I couldn’t figure that out without opening up the wall. I needed to see the view!
If you’ve been watching my Instagram stories, you saw that I changed my mind yesterday when demo started and the wall was opened up, so now it’s Thursday morning and I’m frantically retyping this post, and reconfiguring the layout!

The Day Before Yesterday’s Layout
As of Wednesday, I had decided to leave the bed on the wall that it started on and not do a patio door in favour of the best layout, with the least amount of major demo. I was going to add windows on both sides of the bed and that was it!
Fast forward to yesterday, they removed the door and windows beside which momentarily gave me a huge picture window and I remembered the original layout that I had wanted first that involved major demo. That was before I pretended I was easy going and low maintenance.
Well in the end, all of a sudden, I went back to that plan!
Final Game Plan in Action with Master Bedroom Demo
- Changed door to wall of windows (omit exterior patio)

- Built knee walls on both side walls, to give us lots of usable wall space. The new side walls were built 30″ in. Enough space for a tall dresser, or a bedside table with a lamp.

- Put Bed on side wall that overlooks the lake.

- Take out the closets to make the side walls symmetrical, and plan to use the office in the next room as a walk-in closet in the future.

First Impressions of the Master Bedroom Demo
The room feels sooooo much bigger and has such a better vibe. I hated the weird closets that came right into the room at different heights and that I couldn’t put furniture on any walls. The space is now completely symmetrical and I can put the bed on all 4 walls if I wanted to…so many furniture options hurray!
Modern Beach Resort Vision Board
I wanted to get to more of the design of the room in this post, but layout definitely trumps any design and so next week, I’ll have those updates once the layout is set in stone.
I have major plans for the design trust me! For now I’ll say that I want the space to feel like the most high-end gorgeously appointed hotel ritzy suite on a beach.
I really don’t vacation because I’m so into being home, but I am ALL ABOUT my home feeling like a resort in every way. I hope so much that I can pull this off and get back in my husband Matt’s good books and be typing the reveal post from my new desk in our bedroom overlooking the lake! Come on Universe I’m leaping….now catch me!!
One Room Challenge Dining Room Reveal
One Room Challenge Colourful Kitchen Renovation Reveal
One Room Challenge Vintage Summer Family Room Reveal
I’m so glad this is the option you went with! It was the perfect decision to keep this space functional and not lose that amazing view
Hi Lindsey, oh that makes me so happy to hear you like the idea in the end…I’m just so ready to stop rethinking my decision! lol! that makes me feel so much better, thanks for your input!