I first started sharing my interior design passion on Instagram in October 2015, so it has been just over a year and 30K followers since I started! But if you do the math, I have been renovating and designing SO much longer! What does that mean?: I had a passion and wasn’t sharing. In case that sounds like you, I’m writing this post to help motivate you to share your passion. In this post you’ll find the story of how I made myself start sharing, as well as real people and resources that motivate me and can motivate you, so please read to the end!
It took me so long to get up the courage to share my work because of a few myths that I was carrying around.
The Fears (…that are actually MYTHS!!!)
- There are already too many design Instagram accounts and bloggers, so there’s no room for me.
- I won’t have anything important or different to say.
- Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say, if I don’t have a degree in design or real credentials?
- I have no idea how to use Social Media.
- I’m starting so late, I’ll never catch up.
- I’m afraid of not being accepted and that people will criticize or not like my ideas.
Ok now I’m going to admonish every one of those myths above that kept me quiet for a long time. Everything written above (my worst fears) is completely untrue!!! There is space for everyone’s unique take on their passion. Not a single feed or designer that I’ve gotten to know through Instagram has a degree in design! Like no one…not even a lot of the super professional designers don’t…I swear! ( of course a couple do, but I’m telling you that all the big feeds that I work with have no professional background…just their passion.) Please don’t think this advice is limited to design…I’m sure that food bloggers aren’t trained chefs and that most fashion bloggers don’t have fashion degrees either…it’s all wide open…thank you SO much Internet and Instagram for blowing a huge hole through that entire degree stuff…we’re all so lucky!
New accounts are started everyday and they are growing quickly, just like you will. Last but not least, the Instagram and blogging community is the kindest community that I have ever belonged to. The people that I have met have turned out to be great friends and the relationships are so strong…you won’t believe it until you see for yourself, but bottom line: people do not criticize but build you up. Of course there are a couple trolls but it’s like 0.000001 percent of the people you’ll encounter.
Share Your Passion: Just Start
I don’t know how else to motivate you other than to say that you need to make yourself do it. How I made the jump was by telling myself that I had to give it my best shot for two full months and if nothing came of it I would at least have tried my best. You can’t post one photo or one blog post and expect results. I did that kind of “start-stop” type of posting both in Instgram and with my blog and it doesn’t work. You need to be all in and post regularly. So for starters, every morning and every evening. I post around 8:30 am and the same time at night. It varies from day to day but that’s pretty much my timing. Sometimes I get down on myself and overwhelmed and I stop posting for a week or so, and sure enough, my account immediately stops growing. Consistency is KEY! You won’t grow if you don’t share content. So, give yourself a big time frame, 2-3 months for example, that you’re going to give it your all and then evaluate at the end.
Follower Count
Celebrate every milestone. Getting your first followers is the hardest part! Getting to 1k is harder than 10k because the beginning is the hardest….so push to that initial 100 followers and then 500 and truly celebrate the first 1000k because anybody who knows social media knows that the initial growth is the hardest and that you deserve to be very proud of yourself.
Document Everything about Your Passion
The best advice that I can give someone who is watching and wishing they were sharing their passion is to document like you already are a blogger, and I mean constantly. Photographing all of my work was my one saving grace. I photographed everything that I ever did because I had always wanted to start a blog. On the day that I started my two month Instagram explosion, I didn’t even have a house! It’s true!
We were renovating the home we’re in now, and there was an entire year where I didn’t have content and I used all of my past photos (which were so many you wouldn’t believe it) and I built my following to 10K without a home. So even if you’re too shy now, I can’t stress this enough: document everything you do and you can still use it once you’ve gained the courage.
Resources to Get You Motivated
If you’re really wanting to get up the courage to share your passion and you can’t find it within yourself you can get motivated by some of MY favourite people in the world! Honestly, the best advice I can give is by sharing a couple people that I have been fortunate enough to run across.
Gary Vaynerchuk on You Tube….I mean anything you can get your hands on- because it’s all so valuable for building a brand and for staying motivated.
My husband and I literally quote Gary Vee everyday. It’s insane how much I muster up courage to do things by first giving myself a Gary pep talk. This is a true story…I work on blogging and Instgram posts over my lunch hour but while I’m eating and can’t really do much…for those 10 minutes I watch Gary everyday at lunch and get super pumped up to keep hustling. I watch everything he posts but if you’re new to him I started with his keynote speeches. One of his mantra’s that I love is to not waste time on trying to improve your weaknesses, but to put all your effort into fostering your strengths. This was HUGE for me. Our society is all about self-help and improvement and the idea of just tossing aside what you’re not good at in favour of putting all your time into what you are good at just makes so much sense to me. I could go on about the positive change that Gary has made in me forever…so just have a look.
If you are already a blogger / instagrammer, I loved this video that was about the importance of Documenting vs. Creating. This video really inspired me to start sharing candid photos and taught me that things didn’t have to be perfect but that putting content out trumped everything. Looking back now, my most liked picture on Instagram was a candid shot of my littlest daughter vacuuming. Not only is the shot not set up but it’s taken at night and therefore dark compared to my aesthetic, which also had me crazy trying to make sure that each picture was bright enough. So everything went out the window when I got up the courage to post this documented photo (pictured below). I mean some of my photos were like setting up for a wedding, so I’m so glad that I learned that valuable lesson. I was so caught up in posting final images that I missed the process.
I’m really excited about my next home renovation because I’m going to do so much more documenting versus creating. Also, it really encouraged me to share on Instagram Stories more…I’ve slowed down on “Stories” and I need to get back into it, it’s a great way to get lots of content out. He recommends sharing 10-20 times a day and I really need to up my game and make some goals for myself. Can’t stress it enough…he can motivate you…so check him out!
The above photo is the “most liked”. I’ll link the runner here…because I know you’re going to ask! It’s the best ever!
The Sell by Fredrik Eklund
I first fell in love with Fredrik’s passion watching Million Dollar Listing New York because buying and selling houses is a massive part of who I am…but this book has even more to offer in terms of motivation.
The book literally covers everything that makes Fredrik a success and I learned so much. One of my favourite sections was on naysayers and negativity. I have dealt with a ton of negativity from “friends” and “family” who are no longer friends or family. On the road to success you need to cut all kinds of toxicity out and there was incredibly pertinent advice on this topic. I also love that he addresses physical fitness as part of success in any business and I’m taking that advice very seriously right now. Lastly, I loved how he pushed me to spell out my goals and WILDEST dreams and write them down…honestly they are all coming true and I thank him for the tools in this book daily!
I hope you find these ideas motivating and I’d love to hear about your passions and who motivates you!
Thank you sooo much for sharing this.😍 You stated every fear I have had!
I decided just before Christmas to really do this and reading your story has inspired me to remember not to give up! Getting followers is certainly the hardest so far. You can grow 20 in a week, then take a day off and loose 10! But like you said, consistency is key! I could go on and on, but I won’t. So I thank you again for sharing!😊😊
-Sue Ghan
Mesa, Arizona
Hi Sue! I’m so happy for you that you’ve started!! I totally get that you can get caught up with watching who unfollows you…the best part about getting more followers is that you don’t notice that any more…at 10K it counts by 100 and so that’s gone…but I know what you mean with that annoying part of things. Just keep at it and they will come and I promise the fears are just myths!! Thank you for your comment I’m so happy to hear that what I shared helps! Let me know if you ever need anything!
I purchased that rug because of your Instagram photos! It is SO beautiful in person. Thank you for being authentic and sharing your little world!
Oh my gosh wow…the word “authentic” is seriously like the biggest compliment I could ever get. Thank you so much…your encouragement means everything to me…AND I’m so excited for you about your rug!!! YAY…it just makes me smile every time I see it!!
Wow! Once the fire is lit, the answers come from no where. I’m on the same path you started a year ago. Still scared for no other reasons than the ones you stated. And i know they are nothing to fear. But… scared non the less. This was great to read and thank you so much for sharing! You have inspired one soul today and that is something to be very proud of!! And hopefully you will see my growth in the near future😉
Following you immediately!
Hi Ines! Thank you so much for writing…wow I’m so happy that you’re inspired!! I completely understand the fears but you don’t need to worry, just put in the work and things will happen! I would love to see your growth…please keep me posted!!
I am so glad I read this ! I have these ideas they keep tapping on my shoulder and I’m just too afraid to jump ! All of your fears are the exact ones I would write. This was so inspiring thank you ! Have you read big magic ?
Hi Cami,
jump!!! You have to! You’ll be so happy you did! I haven’t read “Big Magic” but I will check it out now for sure! thanks!!! thank you for your comment!!!
What a great post! Thank you for the advice! I started blogging in February and really love it. I’ve had a lot of your same hang ups but other hang ups for me include not being home at the right times to take pictures (I’m also a teacher by day), having a lot to learn to become a better photographer, and not having the funds to create some of the content that I want to. I can’t wait to read some of your motivational suggestions. If you have photography tips to share, I’d love to know!!
I couldn’t agree more that photography is such an important part! Up till recently I’ve taken all my photos with my iphone mainly but I’m trying to learn too. That’s actually one of my main focuses right now. As I learn I will share it all with you! One great tip is to use he app vsco to edit your photos. I brighten all my pics and that really helps their appeal…it’s hard to get them as bright as you want without a really good lens for your camera. Once I’ve figured lenses out I will post about it for sure!
thanks for your comment!
Thank you so much for being so open about this! You literally addressed every one of my fears (and for many others it sounds!). Your story and IG page is so inspiring! Thanks for bringing such a real and authentic vibe to the design world. So happy for your success, you’ve given me the extra push and motivation I need to step out into the design world. Thank you a ton and I can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Hi Jodie,
thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet and encouraging comment! I’m so glad I could help you turn those fears into myths because I promise that’s what they are. I can’t wait to meet you in the design world…make sure you tag me in some posts so I can see you take off! I’m so touched by your words and excited for you!!
I will tag you for sure! Thanks so much for the support. I was born and raised in Chatham (now live north of Toronto)so I know your area very well! 😉
Ok looking forward to it!! Wow Chatham…that’s like right here! So fun! and thank YOU for the support!
You have been such a gift to me, Leslie! I’m not exactly sure how our Instagram lives intersected over a year ago, but am I ever glad that they did!! A big a$$ pat on the back, sweet friend!!! We did it!!! Love this post, by the way! We could have used this a year ago!!! 😉
Kate!!! I know eh? How did we ever meet? I’m with you it’s been such a gift! I can’t wait to talk shop in person!!!
You’re the absolute best ever!
Thankyou for this post Leslie! You must be a mind reader because these are the exact doubts going around in my head! So much so that I stopped posting, can’t seem to find “good enough” content, feel like every unfollow is personal (when I know it isn’t), get weary of trying to get the hashtags sorted and seem to have lost the courage to post again… So here goes, I’m going to commit to posting tonight, and look up some of your sources of inspiration! Thanks again and can’t wait to follow your journey and passion again this year.
Hi Lauren,
omg I totally get it with the “unfollows” they are brutal at the beginning! I completely identify with feeling overwhelmed and stopping your posts…it happened to me multiple times. Try to make a wider goal and not measure the moment to moment unfollows…I know it’s easier said than done. It’s kind of like if you lost 10 lbs in a month but on a couple days in the month had gained weight, you’re still down 10lbs you know?! lol…hope that makes sense…Instagram can be a huge roller coaster and it’s hard for your loved ones to understand why you’re putting yourself through it, or what you’re doing but it’s worth it in the end…there’s a big learning curve and putting in the time pays off…I promise! I’m excited that you’re going to post again!!!
Thank you so much for this insightful comment and for following along..I truly appreciate your support!
Leslie, this is amazing. I spent my morning listening to the links you’ve posted, and I’m a Gary Vee convert 🙂
Something I’ve found is that when you function outside of the status quo, people feel threatened and will often try to put you down to try and coerce you back into the norm. You’re absolutely right to just keep pushing and do what you love! I think many people, friends and family alike, get frightened when they see the limitless possibilities that exist for those willing to be brave, and because they’re not willing to leap they don’t think anyone else should either. Keep leaping!
I’ve been using your home as inspiration for putting together the house that we just bought. Seeing yours helped give me the courage to paint my whole house, top to bottom, in White Dove by BM. Thank you for your courage to create beauty.
Hi Marianne! Oh that’s amazing…Gary Vee is life changing! Yay for you! I totally agree with you…people like you to keep things comfortable for sure….but you really can’t listen to anyone but yourself…you know what you’re capable of!
That’s awesome about the white!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an encouraging comment!!
Leslie! You are a rockstar!! Love your spirit and fearlessness ans I feel blessed to know you!! Congratulations on al of it!
Tam xo
Hi Tam! hahaha…you’re so sweet! Thank you so much for reading the post…you are absolutely one of the best parts of IG!
Leslie, I just love your authenticity and openness! You have such a big heart and I just adore you! I love how passionate you are and so glad you shared this! I can totally relate. Thanks for inspiring and encouraging others and myself!
Hey Summer! Oh my gosh I feel the same way…you are the nicest person on IG…anyone would agree and I am so lucky to get to work with you!
You’re amazing Leslie! This was such a great read and so very true! Thanks for being you, and breathing so much life and love into this little IG community.
Hi Julie, oh my gosh I’m so glad you liked it…wow such amazing compliments! I can’t thank you enough for the encouragement! Our little community is the best isn’t it??!! xoxo
I have all these fears too! I just started to post about my house last year on Instagram (@bluehouseonthecorner) but I feel like Windsor/LaSalle is such a hard place for Interior Design. My house is also no where near as large as yours or other bloggers so I am totally intimidated. Like you mentioned, I do take photos of everything I do in case I get the nerve to start a blog one day. This year I will be on maternity leave and would love to take some time to start blogging – but like you said I need to be all in and post constantly. Its so hard with young kids and a full time job to decide to commit the time. I hope that this will be my year. Thanks for the encouragement that someone in our small community can really do it!
Hi Liz! Maternity leave is an amazing time to work…I think I’ve gotten more done on Mat leaves than any other time! And you know what? people love stories about all homes, no matter the size. If you look at nestingwithgrace she has a small home and is incredibly popular. It’s about you and your ideas so don’t be worried ok! Good luck and thanks for your comment!
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thank you so much! so glad it was helpful!
I just have to say, Thank You!! I actually came to your blog to grab a recipe from your meal planning post and this blog post popped up instead. It could not be more on point with where I am in my current endeavors. I have long had a passion that I have been too scared to share. Thank You for the inspiring read and motivation to bring this passion to fruition!
Oh my goodness Kate, I’m so happy to hear that!! What’s the passion? Now I’m dying to know! I know it’s going to be amazing and I wish you so much luck!!
Leslie, Your post came just at the right time for me….thank you so much for encouraging others! We just moved into our dream home – lived in Chicago area and moved to Denver, NC on Lake Norman. We have fulfilled many of our dreams – living on a lake full time, designing and building our forever home, and bringing family with us to enjoy it together! I chewed my nails, lost sleep, changed my mind over & over, and spent F-A-R too many hours on Pinterest, Instagram, etc., etc. But, it was so worth it ! I had a budget and (mostly) stuck to it – so had to compromise some and find alternatives to my original ideas. I had to pass on those Hicks pendants (that I truly envy of yours) ! Thank you for the info on the vsco app – just tried it for the first time – love it!. Can I ask….did you begin with instagram posting then follow with a blog? Or do both at the same time? What is the secret to gaining instagram followers? Hashtags? I am very challenged with social media ( I hope that last question didn’t sound silly!) …and am tiptoeing into this arena hoping to not step on any toes. Thank you so much and I am inspired by your beautiful home – not sure how I stumbled into “your world” , but soooo glad I did! Dara
Hi Dara! Wow you home sounds amazing and I can’t wait to see it. I got my hicks pendants in a floor model clearance sale or you’re right they would be too expensive! lol! You have asked so many good questions and I will try to answer them in another longer blog post. I started with Instagram first and made the blog second this last time. However, I had two false blog starts before that about 3-4 years ago. It’s much easier in my opinion to start with Instagram. It’s easier to share a photo then a blog post which requires a lot more content and the Instagram world is more transparent than blogging. I still have SO much to learn about blogging. Hope this helps! Oh and a great way to grow your following when you start out is by entering hashtag challenges.
I’m so happy I found you and this post. I have a blog and IG which I began a year ago and I’m so discouraged with my lack of progress. The information you share speaks directly to me so I’m anxious to apply the great advice you’ve so generously shared! Thanks! I feel hopeful! Can’t wait for your Q&A! Alexis
Hi Alexis! I’m so glad you feel hopeful!! I know EXACTLY how you feel! If you read the post I just published it talks about how I had two blogs that didn’t go anywhere before this and how discouraged I was at times too…it’s so hard!! But it will work! Thanks for you comment!
Thank you for this post. Googling how to get the courage to start my Instagram account and you just hit the nail on the head.
Hi Whitney! That’s so awesome! I’m so happy that you found me…good luck, you’ll be amazing!!
First comment of 2018! Lol. All 6 of those fears weighed me down for years and prevented me from starting my own blog. As a New Year’s resolution to myself, I promised to take more creative risks and I am thrilled to say I finally created a blog. It is absolutely liberating to have my own creative space. So happy I found your blog! Keep up the beautiful work.
xo Jocelyn | https://www.thesimplesomethings.com/
Wow congrats on starting a blog! So exciting!! I hope it’s going well!!
WOW – your post and Gary Vee’s videos literally have me giddy with excitement over here! I spent half my Sunday scouring the internet for blog posts on how to get started with a blog, and your Blogging 101 posts are the ONLY ones that have spoken to me and have actually provided concrete advice and motivation. Your post on Blogging or making an Instagram first was exactly what I needed today, too. Can’t thank you enough for motivating me to start something exciting! I’m so glad I found your blog today, prior to creating my own. Now I know I can jump right into making that Instagram and start DOCUMENTING! 🙂
My Best,
Kylie Shae
Hi Kylie! Oh my gosh I’m so happy that I’ve helped you and I’m so excited for you! You have totally made my day. Yes you’re so right jump in and just START!! that’s totally the key!! Good luck, you’re going to love doing it!
Hi Leslie,
Thank you so much for writing this. I am in the process of wanting to start my own blog. I write short-stories,poems and some random thoughts. I have been sharing on Instagram(@sou_mya_kri_shna) for a while now. I feel I should start a separate blog and was searching the internet for ‘How to come up with names for a blog’ and about whether an Instagram account is better or a blog. I came across your site. I have the same fears as you have mentioned above. Now I feel more confident to go about starting my blog finally!! Thank you.
Hi!! Oh I’m so happy you stumbled onto my post! You should absolutely start your blog and I’m so excited for you!! Keep me posted! You won’t regret it!